Anarchism is the complete removal of all state and government in a society. This is complete individual human freedom unaffected from any interference from public governments. Any sort of governance exists entirely privately and voluntarily as per each individual's own choice to participate in or not. The opposite extreme is Communism. This is the complete removal of all private property as the state maintains all control over every aspect of an individuals life. This includes housing, work, food, family and even religion. All other consistent ideologies and individual beliefs, such as Ayn Rand's Objectivism, Milton Friedman's policies, Maoism, Leninism, Reaganomics etc., all exist between these two points - including Azadism. The more something trends towards Anarchism, the more capitalistic it is. This includes more individual liberty and freedom, more privatisation (handing over industry to the people instead of the state) and fewer taxes. The more towards communism you go, the more state-level socialism a society adopts and as result higher taxes, more nationalised industries and authoritarianism to the point of totalitarianism.
Azadism exists towards the left-hand side of this scale with its tendency to reduce state control. An Azadist society begins when the state is responsible for the following 4 functions only:
1. National Defence
2. Policing
3. Justice System
4. Tax administration
The more towards anarchism the Azadist Nation trends, the more Azaadi it has until it reaches full Anarchism - i.e. a society becomes Azaad. Since Azadism is a general trend towards more liberty, it occupies a range on the above scale, rather than a specific point. Other factors that define what counts as an Azadist system or not is the topic of the
Azadist Manifesto.